
Brian Hansen


I grew up on Cape Cod building houses with my dad. I worked through school building houses and light commercial buildings all over New England, North Carolina, and eventually New Hampshire. For several years I have been working at a successful engineering firm delivering professional services related to construction projects of all sizes. I started the Worker Bee Fund because my experience with buildings is very useful to just about everyone, especially those in dire need of repairs or remodeling.

I chose to point my energy at helping Disabled Veterans because I admire the sacrifices they make. I respect the faith they have in service to a country that does so much to improve so many lives. I cannot effect many challenges that Disabled Veterans face, but I can make them a bit more comfortable by performing repairs to their home so they can get around it with their walker. I can put a new roof on their house. I can get them an ADA shower and re-plumb those leaky pipes. I can make it a better environment to age in place.

My goals with the Worker Bee Fund are:

1. Deliver benefits to more recipients and more volunteers,

2. I am excited by the possibilities that will arise from this new community we are starting,

3. I know how to create an efficient business model for the WBF that is transparent, scalable, and repeatable,

4. I want to demonstrate to my three kids that it feels good to lend our strengths to others. I want them to teach that to their own kids some day.